About SacMod

SacMod (Sacramento Modern) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all-volunteer organization founded in 2010. We are dedicated to preserving modern art, architecture, and design in the Sacramento region. We do this by conducting home tours, bike tours, walking tours, film screenings, preservation campaigns, writing publications, and educating the public about modernism.

We are passionate about Sacramento’s rich modern history. We like to provide information, technical assistance, and research findings to homeowners, design enthusiasts, motivated students, local and regional organizations, architects, designers and historians, as well as local and national media. By doing so, we believe we can gain support for proactive preservation by elevating an appreciation for what has survived.

Please join us! SacMod associate memberships are $25 per calendar year. Go to the “Get Involved/Join” section of our site and click on our PayPal link. We also accept tax-deductible donations. Member benefits include a discount to paid SacMod events and having first crack at reserving a seat/purchasing tickets. With your help, SacMod volunteers can continue to promote awareness and preservation of Sacramento’s modern heritage.

Other ways to stay informed of SacMod’s activities:

http://www.Facebook.com/SacMod – Frequent updates from SacMod and other items of interest.

http://www.SacMCMhometour.blogspot.com/ – Our blog related to upcoming home tours.

Photo key:
1. SMUD Headquarters by Dreyfuss + Blackford with mosaic by Wayne Thiebaud (1959). Photo: Fred Lyon
2. Residence by Carter Sparks (1960). Photo: Donald Satterlee
3. K and 10th Streets in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Photo: Hilt Hansen
4. Ray Kaiser Eames, born and raised in Sacramento. Photo: Peter Stackpole
5. Pole sculpture by Richard Hastings (mid-1960s). Photo: Gretchen Steinberg
6. Gateway to the Sacramento Zoo by Rickey + Brooks (1961). Photo: Fritz Vibe
7. SacMod (Sacramento Modern) logo by Dane Henas
8. Iva Gard Shepard Garden & Arts Center by Raymond R. Franceschi (1958). Photo: Gretchen Steinberg 9. Vintage postcard of Country Club Lanes by Powers, Daly + De Rosa (1960). Postcard: Mike Roberts Color Productions
10. Neon sign for Tower Records — founded in 1960 by Sacramentan Russ Solomon. Photo: Tom Spaulding
11. Neon sign for Hollywood Hardware by Eplo Sign Company (1959). Photo: Gretchen Steinberg
12. Residence by Jones + Emmons for Eichler Homes (1955). Photo: Donald Satterlee
13. Mosaic detail. Bank of America by Wurster, Bernardi + Emmons (1960). Photo: Gretchen Steinberg
14. Sacramento Mid-Century Modern Home Tour logo by Dane Henas
15. Pacific Telephone Headquarters by Hertzka + Knowles (1963) Photo: Gretchen Steinberg